EP 012- Founder & Co-CEO of Noonday Collection: Jessica Honegger


Jessica is the Founder & Co-CEO of Noonday Collection. In this episode, hear how Jessica’s creative problem-solving efforts helped her launch a socially responsible business.

During the height of the recession Jessica, a midwife and real estate agent, found herself needing to raise funds for her families’ adoption.   She decided to partner with Jalia and Daniel, two jewelry designers she met in Uganda to create jewelry to sell at a trunk show. Jessica’s community showed up and supported this venture and Noonday Collection was born.

Jessica then began to dream how this could become a company that empowers artisans businesses to grow and positively impact their own communities. Learn from her challenges and successes of running a socially responsible business, as well as what  intentional scalability means.  Her wisdom and passion to make the world a better place through entrepreneurship is palpable and will leave you considering how you can do your part.


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The Quick Six!

  1. 9-5 or flex schedule?
    Flex, although as a business owner the hours are more like 24/7

  2. Mountains or Beach?
    My favorite is when the mountains meet the beach

  3. Work from home or office?
    home in the morning, office in the afternoon

  4. Work alone or with a team?

  5. Thai or Mexican?
    I am from Austin, life is better with queso.

  6. What does it mean to you to be liberated?
    It means I am able to be me no matter the audience or the day. It means being authentic to who God created me to be, flaws and all.


Jessica Recommends...



Sound Machine App

Airline Apps/ Digital Boarding Pass


Please follow Jessica and the Noonday Collection team at @noondaycollection on Instagram and @NoondayCollection on Facebook. Be sure to check out Noonday Collection’s products at www.noondaycollection.com.

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